Posted in Writing

Author Interview with CK Dawn

CK Dawn Bio pic

CK Dawn is the author of Cloak of Shadows, the first book of her Netherwalker series. She has also had short stories published in YA anthologies such as Echoes of Winter, and Darkness EchoesCloak of Shadows is included in the Fire and Fantasy eBook anthology found here. I was so thrilled that she was willing to do an interview for me.

What’s your typical writing day like?

CK: Previously I only wrote when inspiration hit or when a scene wouldn’t get out of my head until I wrote it down. But lately I’ve put myself on a five day a week writing schedule where I set aside at least two hours each night to write. Currently I’m writing book 2 in my Netherwalker series and a new dystopian book that may be turned into a series as well. My characters have a lot to say.

How do you approach a new writing project? What kind of preparations do you make?

CK: For a new writing project I first start with an idea of what the genre will be, what the overall message/story will be, and who the main characters within that world will be. In preparation I usually create an outline of events through their chapter titles.

It’s a given that creating a book is not an easy process. What’s the most difficult part for you, and how do you push through it?

CK: The hardest part for me is getting the complete, very beautiful visual scene out of my head an on to the page. I try to live by ‘show don’t tell’ and one of my favorite sayings is actually, ‘don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.’

Cute Carnivorous
“Cloak of Shadows”, included in the Fire and Fantasy e-book anthology

What did you enjoy most about writing the book that went into the Fire & Fantasy anthology?

CK: I love writing kick-ass heroines! So much so that I didn’t just write one female lead, I created two! Fairy tales are nice, but my ladies don’t need Price Charming to save them. Ha! They’ll save him. To me, that’s an important message to young impressionable readers that are growing up especially today, that you can be your own hero!

Tell me about your path to publication. What process did you go through?

CK: I’m a self-published/ indie author and have learned how to do things I never thought I’d ever be able to do. If you look at self-publishing as a whole it can seem daunting, almost impossible, but if you take each task one step at a time, you’ll be amazed at how much you learn and can do on your own. That’s the number one tip I give all inspiring authors. Take it one step at a time, you’ll get there.

What would you say are the most important magazines for writers to subscribe to (or websites to visit)? Which are your favorites?

CK: For me it’s actually been indie author Facebook groups. Before publishing, I had no idea there was a huge author community out there full of rich information, other authors willing to help, and such an uplifting support system. It has been amazing. Most writers and bloggers who own and write for the most important magazines and blogs/websites out there are actually members of these FB groups and it’s where you can interact with them and get information you may be seeking instantly.

Some of my favorites are:

Where did your love of books/writing/storytelling come from?

CK: I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love to read, write poetry, and to be honest, I’ve always had a wild imagination. The point where my storytelling got put to paper was from a nudge from my little sister a few years back. With her help, writing and publishing my stories has been my bliss ever since.

What’s your favorite childhood book?

CK: I didn’t have just one favorite. I loved reading everything from the Sweet Valley High series to anything Stephen King I could get my hands on. Oh gosh, I’m showing my age now. 😛

What do you like to read, or otherwise do, in your free time?

CK: I mainly like to read books in the genres I enjoy writing in; young adult, fantasy, dystopian, and paranormal romance. In my free time I’m a Walking Dead, Star Trek Discovery, and the Gifted TV fanatic. But Thor and Wonder Woman will forever have my heart. (Hey, a kick-ass heroine can like the Justice League AND Marvel if she wants to!)

Do you have a favorite piece of writing advice you’ve received or that you’ve given?

CK: I’ll leave you with two of my favorite inspirational quotes:

“Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.” –Stephen King

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” –Albert Einstein


CK Dawn can be found here:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | BookBub


Fall into reading KU

*Book review of Cloak of Shadows can be found here.*


Mary has been an avid reader since childhood. She fell in love with writing in fourth grade and has kept up the love affair ever since. Her adventures in all things yarn began in sixth grade when her mom taught her to crochet. And now that she knows how to knit, crochet, spin yarn, and weave, the sky’s the limit! She’s a 13-year participant in NaNoWriMo, one-time winner, two-time Camp NaNoWriMo winner, and is always excited for the next one!

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