Posted in Fiber Fun, Knitting

WIP Wednesday – January 24

Wow. In the intervening week after my last post, I set my Ravenclaw scarf aside. Instead,  went back to The Twisted Purl and bought a cute Leon Alexander yarn called Diva that came with a small complimentary skein of Glam. Both are a blend of superwash merino and nylon. I searched and searched on Ravelry for just the right pattern, but I wasn’t satisfied until I rediscovered the Reyna shawl. I had originally started that shawl with a Christmas-y sock yarn several months back, but set it aside as I got distracted by other projects. (I think I actually need to rip that one out and start over. I know I made several mistakes that I didn’t do this time around. Stitch markers are a godsend!)

According to the pattern, I’m already in the final mesh section of the shawl. I started this thing on Friday. I can’t believe how fast it’s working up for me this time around. I don’t know if it’ll be smaller than I expected it to, but we’ll see how it looks after some blocking. So far, it’s gorgeous! I’m going to use the little skein of Glam in the final garter stitch section at the end. I can’t wait to see this beauty finished.



Mary has been an avid reader since childhood. She fell in love with writing in fourth grade and has kept up the love affair ever since. Her adventures in all things yarn began in sixth grade when her mom taught her to crochet. And now that she knows how to knit, crochet, spin yarn, and weave, the sky’s the limit! She’s a 13-year participant in NaNoWriMo, one-time winner, two-time Camp NaNoWriMo winner, and is always excited for the next one!

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