Posted in Fiber Fun, Writing

WIP Wednesday – March 14


I was at The Twisted Purl yesterday finishing up my purple pair of Veritaserum socks when Cyndi showed me a pair of fingerless gloves she was knitting out of one of the shop’s specialty yarns by Leon Alexander. The pattern was Emily O’Brien’s Practically Perfect Mitts and I was in love! I love fingerless gloves and this pattern was so cute! So I had to have it, which gave me an excuse to buy the Mama Deb yarn I’d been eying since the trunk show two weeks ago. When I got home that evening, I cast on for the first mitt. And finished it this afternoon.

Yeah, I’m a fast knitter. And I have just fallen in love with fingering weight yarn in the past seven months or so since I started visiting the Purl. Up till then, my loves were worsted and sport weight. Now I hardly use either anymore, except for that worsted weight poncho I started a few weeks back (which is still not done).


Honestly, once the 10k-words week was over in February, I’ve struggled to even write that many words in the last month. There’s another one coming up next week, and I plan to do better than I have been.

I’m also planning for Camp NaNoWriMo in April – I’m going to attempt a YA sci-fi/fantasy novel which, if it goes as I hope, will be the first of a trilogy, based on some title prompts I found in the NaNoWriMo forums. I’m trying to plan out my main character and I have a vague idea of the plot, but with eighteen days left till April 1, I need to buckle down and get working on that plot.

What’s your favorite plotting method(s)? How do you plan your characters? Are you participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this round?